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 pictures & objects

  manifestations 30 - 40

  manifestation 41

  manifestation 42

  manifestation 43


Manifestation 41

La Boule d'Or Centenaire (the gold-plated centenary ball)
Zurich, Hauptbahnhof

On May 9, 2008, the Boule d'Or Centenaire covered a distance of 12 meters along the Bois du Voyage d'Or (a specially built wooden gangway) at the main station in Zurich.

The Boule d'Or Centenaire will repeat its journey on the following dates:

Hamburg, September 18, 2016
Hamburg, August 28, 2033
Zurich, June 12, 2065
Zurich, July 21, 2082
Zurich, January 18, 2097
Zurich, May 9, 2108