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 pictures & objects



  works 1969-2011



In cooperation with ZKM Karlsruhe

For the first time, Deichtorhallen Hamburg is showcasing the versatile oeuvre of Zurich artist and polymath Dieter Meier – in the form of a comprehensive museum show. Three entire floors have been dedicated to Dieter Meier's oeuvre as a concept and performance artist which started as long ago as the late 1960s, and to his early experimental films, art/conceptual performances and videos by YELLO.

The exhibition will be shown from January 14 – March 25, 2012 at
ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

The catalogue with essays by Harald Falckenberg, Stefan Zweifel, Max Dax and Peter Weibel is edited by Axel Heil and Margrit Brehm and published by the Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König. It contains a DVD with early films, videos and a selection of YELLO-clips. Hardback, 260 pages, 21.7 x 30.5 cm